Lopping back the trees
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Lopping back the trees

I really like how shady our yard is, but I'm not so excited about cleaning up everything that drops off the trees. I can't pick the fruit from the very top of the trees, so it rots and falls to the ground, and then it attracts mice and birds unless I clean it up straight away. I'm getting the trees all lopped back so I can get a break from all the cleaning up all this fallen fruit. This blog is all about how to get your backyard fruit trees lopped so that you don't have to clean up as much fallen fruit.


Lopping back the trees

Tips & Techniques for Effective Tree Pruning

Kenneth Kim

For a property owner, trees are very desirable. Not only do they offer shade and protection from wind and rain, they offer privacy and, in many cases, act as a kind of land border for the property. Trees can also add an element of beauty to a property, providing that they are looked after and pruned correctly.

If you have trees that you wish to prune, but don't have much experience, this article may be of help, as it examines some tips and techniques to help you prune and maintain your trees correctly.

Follow The Four D's

When looking to prune a tree, try following the four Ds. This is branches that are

  1. Dead
  2. Damaged
  3. Dried
  4. Diseased

These are the types of branches that you should look for and prune back. Branches that are damaged or dead may develop a disease and should be removed. Similarly, dried out branches can become a problem, so remove them also. Any branches that display obvious signs of disease, such as parts that are rotten, should be cut back to stem the spread of the disease. It is also a good idea to prune branches that grow at odd angles and are rubbing against other branches. These can eventually become a problem.

Take Early Action

It can sometimes catch you off guard when a branch on a tree grows quickly. If you notice a branch that may become a problem in a year or two, try to deal with the problem there and then. Leaving it a year may allow the branch to grow to a level that means cutting the tree with a piece of equipment, such as a chainsaw. Take early action when you spot it, and prevent issues from developing by pruning branches you suspect will become a problem. This will cut down on your future workload.

Make Collar Cuts

When cutting branches off a tree, it is important that you cut it the correct way. You should make the cuts a couple of inches away from the indentation (or collar) where the branch meets the trunk. This will allow the tree to grow the branch back safely; cutting too deep into the collar of the tree will prevent it from growing a new branch and can even promote rot and disease at the cut site. Inspect the collar area of a tree before making a cut.

Once you get into a routine and gain a little more knowledge and understanding, you will be able to prune, control and enhance the look of the trees on your property. For more tips or assistance, contact companies like Clean Cut Tree Services.
